Absolutely! It's like he was channeling Keith Richards

Did you notice the ‘Gladiator’ sounds-like portion of scored pirate theme refrain?
I kept trying to recall, where HAVE I seen Depps choice of mannerisms??? Way too familiar. If you hit that thought on your own. Your very very good Sanjay!!!. I saw where JD in an interview on the Tonight Show, commented, either (JD’s intent or some reviewers comment after screening)? that Sparrow is based on a cross between Keith Richard and Pepe Le Pu!

He pegged the ‘ always high’ and ‘in trouble with women’ side of Richard’s life, - dead on.

If I was to land on a deserted island with a scraggy gold toothed miscreant of a pirate…I’d hope for Depp’s version! Will Turner was nice but a tad boring compared to Sparrow. Hope there is a sequal in the works for POTC “Curse of the Black Pearl” if Depp’s willing to reprise the part. It was loads of fun.

Jason, FN is on my to-buy list too. Very good. My husband and I walk around mimeing the seagull’s.
“Mine, MINE, MINE, mine, MINE”!. And “hey dude …meet the offspring”. Disney is THE best at witty anthropomorphism.

”you like pain! (wack) Try wearing a corset” Miss Turner "PTC"

[This message has been edited by Smart Little Lena (edited July 14, 2003).]