Originally posted by boblinds:
all the action sequences FAR outstayed their welcome
I agree, completely. By the end of 'Reloaded' I was non-plussed: I couldn't believe that I'd just seen an action film where the chases and fights were the most boring part. I was hoping the "action scenes" would hurry up and finish so we could move on with the story already. And the action was so damn repetitive. Seeing Morpheous almost fall off a moving tractor-trailer but catch the edge and flip back on at the last minute was exciting. After he did the same exact thing three more times, it got old. Ditto the Burly Brawl, where Neo fights thousands of Agent Smith copies. What happened to all that imagination that the Wachowskis showed in the first Matrix movie?
My money is on Wachowski Bros. turning out to be one-hit wonders.
I'll hold off judgement until I see 'Revolutions' in November, but it certainly is starting to look like the first 'Matrix' was more fluke than consistent talent.

BTW, anyone notice the little moment at the end with Neo and the Sentinels which really makes you wonder 'What is the Matrix'? It's the only part of the film that made me sit bolt upright and say "Hey, what the...!"
