Maybe since I like dance I liked a recap of the special zenlike kickboxing the “Matrix” invented (although excruciatingly drawout) What I thought failed profoundly, were the scenes depicting Zion. I assume we are required to ‘root’ for the salvation of humanity gainst the machine, yet Zion (and its populace) left me cold.
The howl at the moon and roar at fate evening of partying that Morpheus' address to the citizens of Zion inspires appears as if the director mistook his story board for the bar scenes taken from Blade II or XXX, notable for the high preponderance of unsavory types that hang out.

The backbone of the movie should rest on the simplest of concepts that the audience cares what happens to the disconnected remnants of carbon based units.

If the ‘bullet” slowmo’s had been cut by ½ with a little time spent developing a liking for the township of Zion, with some more fleshing out the hint of intriguing concepts behind the ‘room’ where Neo speaks to the Matrix. I think the film would have had better balance.

As it is All the enjoyment I got out of it, was a reprise of the visual novel special effects from the original “Matrix” which I had thoroughly enjoyed (and cared) when Neo kicks butt.