I'm a member of the CH audio club, and it's served me well. There are no "director's selections," so if I ignore the club for a few months all I get is the free magazine once every few weeks. And I've fulfilled my "membership obligation" long ago.

I wait for the good deals, such as the "buy one get unlimited at 2.99" one, and then buy maybe 10-15 CDs at a time, several times a year. It usually works out to between $7 and $9 a CD average, including shipping (which is like $3 of that).

I find their marketing practices to be a bit deceptive, such as selling CDs for $2.99 and then charging $3.50 for shipping, but it still works out in my favor so I do it.

The major problem is selection; they don't have much recent stuff, and lack any CDs from a number of artists. I go to Sam Goody when I want to get something I can't find on their site.

BTW, I just throw away the magazine after each month. Web search is the way to go.

Matthew J. Hill
Matthew J. Hill