I have some fairly unique tastes in music, this I will admit. This week I picked up DJ Shadows "Private Press" and I have to say that I was thourally impressed. I will issue the following warning...there is one track that may offend, no, will offend sensitive ears. The F word gets looped into a beat, but that's it for questionalble material.

There is one track on the album that is absolutly a trip. The mixing is just...well...amazing. The sound is 180 deg. out of phase...and winds up swirling around your head. I checked my gear THREE TIMES to make certain that I wasn't listening to the disc in surround. Even after checking my reciever I wasn't convinced and put my ears to the surrounds in my system to make absoluly certain that they weren't on. They weren't. It's just masterfull audio work.

Check it out. Liek I said, the one track gave it a Parential Warning label, but the rest of the album is just fine for the kiddies...and it's VERY impressive for you 2 channel guys.
