I may like to purchase fraility at some point as well. I think it will be interesting on a second viewing and I didn't watch with commentary.

If you are plagued by late fees you may want to consider Netflix. For approx $20/month you keep three movies at home to watch. If you return one you get another. I have been able to average 6/month which ain't bad for $20. (To be fair I get 4 movies/month because I joined several years ago when they used to give 4 for $20, you can still get four but I think it $25 now) There are two things I like best about this service.
1) I always have a few movies on hand to watch when TV is all repeats.
2) I can watch the entire DVD across several days without worring about late fees.
Desperado - 1050 Owner - Reviews - Harmony SST-659 Remote