That was one I had rented (unusual for me lately as I normally purchase which costs me less than all the late fees we have a tendency to acquire! I listened to most of the writer’s voiceover about his intents and production. But missed all the rest, will prob. keep an eye out for an ‘on sale’ copy or previewed, and pick it up in the future.

The ‘disturb’ I felt watching it faded a little with time, I’d like to see it again, especially as the writer kept commenting on the tragic aspects of the fathers position when you watch on a second view. When I pick up another copy some day…I will watch all the extras. The scene under the car when he receives his list was comically in stark contrast to the everyday affairs of men. There must be ‘extras’ your detailing around the CG on that scene etc.

And your correct, this is not a moive you can talk about except in the most general of terms without ruining it for potential viewers. But I was curious did any LIKE it vs HATE it etc....