Lena..(oh oh...why do I sense a Darko-esque discussion being generated by this film). You make valad points, but ponder this.

If the aliens aren't strong enough to break through the door in the cellar, how were they able to get into a house that was boarded up? We see (during the "fight" scene) that the windows are broken, and the wood that was boarded up was snapped off. Now granted there could have been a "crew" of them or something, but if there was a "crew" of them that could snap the boards on the windows...then why the problems with the door? More importantly we are shown that these creatures seem to have some fairly decent mass...since one takes a nick big blow to the side/ribs with a bat and is still standing. If it was a "lighter weigh" alien my guess would be that it's ribs would have snapped like a twig. If it's a heavier massecd alien (akin to human physiology) it would need more strenght in it's legs to support the mass. Either way...the logics still dont hold up given the information that the movie provided.

Yes, I am aware of very minor tactical errors resulting in major military difficulties. I'me reminded of Douglas Adams Hitchhikesrs Guide to the Universe series...where he discribes a species being driven to war against the planet earth due to television waves (i think) wrecking havok with their society. THe do all of the science, build a great intercalatic fleet and speed off to earth, where the entire fleet is devoured by a dog...They had no idea of the size of earthlings, and never gave it any consideration.

Yes, I can understand that, but throughout the film we are told that they have been "scouting the area", and that they "seem to be avoiding the lakes". So appearantly they know that di-hydrogen oxide is lethal to them. They aren't advanced enough to have cling wrap? They can make their ships invisable? why not their clothes?

Yes, some films you have to check your brains at the door. But to me, once you set up the logic behind the film, you need to stick to it. There are only so many "oh come one" moments that I can take before a film goes from "good" to bad. It's just me, but there was just to much to swallow.