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#20805 - 01/29/03 01:22 PM Re: New Years DVD releases.
Smart Little Lena Offline

Registered: 01/09/02
Posts: 1019
Loc: Dallas
Man there must be something wrong with me.

I doubt it; we all have different tastes in movies/music and the hardware that delivers it to us.

I think I ‘attached’ fun to Sign’s due to my first viewing experience. The audience was on usually good behavior..…Not one cell phone…crying baby..etc. The seats were packed and as one body the entire theater stayed perfectly quiet or jumped or screamed or laughed (hersy kiss hats) together. I don’t think I’ve been to a movie in years where it worked out that way. So it made me look forward to the DVD purchase. (in fact I just gave my first copy away and have to purchase another).

I did love the throwback to Hitchcockian styling, I really enjoy a ‘fun’ kind of scare, competently executed rather than that depressed jaded sensation which settles over me after watching too many ‘gore feast’ in a row. The ‘ Oh gross” kind: ‘Hannibal” (very fresh meal at the Dining table).
A movie like ‘Signs’ just seems more psychologically healthy. In the same way that ‘Rope” treats the subject of self-perceived superior intellect used as a justification to negate the necessity for adherence to baseline moral standards. Hitchcock treats his killers’ motivation in a more intellectual way (and within the censorship boundaries for the era) and…”Silence of the Lambs” another. Signs were a throwback to the days of more innocent scares.

I loved Joaquin Phoenix’s reaction to the Brazilian BD party footage when he was in the closet. Moments like that made the movie for me.

Could I ask what you mean by “someone tell me the twist”? I’m not sure enough of what clarification your requesting to try and reply.

#20806 - 01/29/03 09:38 PM Re: New Years DVD releases.
fmcorps Offline

Registered: 06/06/02
Posts: 197
Loc: Fargo, ND, USA
Originally posted by Smart Little Lena:
Could I ask what you mean by “someone tell me the twist”? I’m not sure enough of what clarification your requesting to try and reply.

OK...anyone who hasn't seen the Sixth Sense or Unbreakable stop reading. I don't want to hear your griping about how I w3recked the movie watching experiance with those two films.

So. In the Sixth Sense, he's dead. That's the twist. (Which after all the hype-and the fact that I hadn't intill 6 months or so after it was released and had to listen to all the hype for 6 months) was kind of a let down. It was good, I liked it, but when I finally got to the end...I was just like "that's it...this is what blew everybody's mind?"

In Unbreakable, the twist is that my man Sammy Jackson is the bad guy. He's the super-villian to our super hero and is responsable for the deaths of thousands of people...kind of disapointing for me, but you know. I'm kind of a cynic.

Now in Signs I've heard that the "twist" is that they aren't aliens at all, but rather inner demons, and the whole thing is a dream, or a prelude to armageddon...yada yada. The only reason why I'm asking is that this film has so many plot holes to me that they cant be aliens. I've watched it twice now...and still cant find any strings to support the demon/alien theory. About the only theory I can come up with is that "aliens are stupid" theory, and the the meaning of the title Signs is simply the $$$ signs showing up in M.N.S. eyes from duping people into a second rate sci-fi thriller.

Like I said, I'm just trying to "get" the angle, because for some reason I dont.

#20807 - 01/30/03 12:03 PM Re: New Years DVD releases.
Smart Little Lena Offline

Registered: 01/09/02
Posts: 1019
Loc: Dallas
Spoiler: Don’t read if you don’t want movie details.
Now in Signs I've heard that the "twist" is that they aren't aliens at all, ….

AH HA…got it. M Night Shyamalan stated that he did not want to get ‘locked’ into the formula of having to provide a twist (or flip) after UB and 6th S. Therefore no ‘twist’ in S. The aliens are UFO. The title is representative of crop circles as advance evidence of the aliens navigation for landing sites.. But “Signs’ is also a type of person. “There are two kinds of people”. Group One, who believes in simply good or bad luck. These believe we are each alone and therefore completely on our own with a 50/50 shot at a good outcome. Or Group Two, who see a hand.and greater power behind everything, and therefore think life is not just a collection of serendipitous or deadly coincidences but often interactions with a force beyond us IE: miracles or ‘Signs”.

The flashbacks are Gibson regaining the faith lost upon the death of his wife. It was not electrical synapses firing randomly when she died; she gave him a precognitive hint for the danger he would face…”Swing Away”. The son had asthma for a reason…”His lungs are closed”.

Gibson starts the movie as a bitter Group One type and ends by regaining his faith that there is purpose behind the universe.

The movie’s intent was not emphasis on the aliens rather focused on one family’s reaction during a mind-bending 48 hrs. They had to rely on whatever inner resources they were capable of (just as in UB and 6th S) and I feel that if Shyamalan’s does have a theme or style in all his films to date that would be it. A protagonist in angst facing personal demons and finally moving past disbelief to an acceptance which allows them to tap inner resources and fulfil their destiny. As regards ‘lame’ aliens I’ve seen many arguments concerning that topic. The primary complaint the use of H2O. Did not bother me as I see evidence of human’s standing/walking/working around catastrophically fatal substances all the time, (geologist walking around lava flows). Humans (just as Night’s aliens) adapt by avoiding direct contact.

#20808 - 01/31/03 02:10 AM Re: New Years DVD releases.
fmcorps Offline

Registered: 06/06/02
Posts: 197
Loc: Fargo, ND, USA
Well if I'm suppost to take it at face value then I'll feel free to gripe about it all I want.

To me, it was very well done...untill the end. At that point it was like NMS had just given up.


For example:

The aliens are idiots and cant figure out how to use a door knob?

Even though they must have some exceptional muscles in their legs to outrun a well fit baseball player...and leap to the top of a roof unaided, they cant kick down a door being braced with a pic axe?

You lock yourself in a celler with no weapons? And what farmer in rural america doesn't keep a gun in the house...or at least would run out to wal-mart and get one when he finds this stuff going on in his back yard. Why not a shovel...heck a kitchen knife worked before. Why not grab one or two of those? At least in Night of the Living Dead (which I recognize that the cellar scene wa directly "inspired" by) they had the common sense to pack heat.

The water. Yes, everyone is griping about the water, but it bugs me to no end. War of the Worlds was more plausable...even though that's a bit of a streatch because any advanced military force is normaly given innoculations for at least some of the more "common" diseases in the area. But here we get aliens who cant even wear a shirt and pants when ever farm house has runnning tap water. And the lava comment isn't realy a good argument. The geologists stil[/] wear protective gear. My girlfriend works in a lab and is constantly around radiation and caustic chemicals. She doesn't handle this stuff bare handed...she has more common sense. And these aliens [i]dont? Huh?

Even if the aliens are harvestng people, why do it one on one? Spray large cities and send in a clean up crew. You've got dangerous animals and intelegent animals...you dont sneak up on them...you take them out from a distance and then you pick up the carcases.

Like I said, at face value theres to many of these things to make me feel like this movie was believable. A lot of people have been compairing it to hitch (mostly the birds), but to me the birds was far more plausable. Even though it didn't give any explination on what was going one, it was more believable and plausable then signs. Even though some people complain that there isn't an ending, it was far more satisfying then signs ending. Tha'ts what gets in my craw the most. People are going ga-ga over this and compairing it to a far superior film, and a far more effective movie, and I cant figure out why.

NMS is a very good director, and I dont faul the direction...just the storytelling. However I feel that the general public hasn't taken the time to see competent directors at work...most of the stuff out today is rather weak compaired to films from years ago. I feel that it's his strength of direction in a time of rather weak direction that makes people like him, but that doesn't mean that we have to simply like his films because they are well directed. It pains me to say it but even Hitch dropped some films that are very well crafted, but were still duds none the less.


#20809 - 01/31/03 02:59 PM Re: New Years DVD releases.
Smart Little Lena Offline

Registered: 01/09/02
Posts: 1019
Loc: Dallas
Strength does not grow proportionally with mass even on earth. And speed or jump capability can be out of proportion to brute strength. An Olympic runner can achieve about 27mph. A rabbit 45mph. Cheetah 70mph. An impala can jump 10 ft up from a standing start. (an elephant very strong, is not going to clear tall hurdles, - of course on earth mass factors into all) I thought it was a nice touch that Night
had a chromatophores equipped alien. While chameleon behavior is characteristic of many predators to increase their effectiveness by reducing detection that precipitates flight of faster prey. There are predators who rely on stealth and surprise due to a lack of brute strength. And again Species with an utter lack of defensive capabilities use these methods for protection.

I watched a heated argument started by this very film. It was really an interesting topic and revolved around the perception of moviegoers that all aliens have to be endowed with superior ability and intelligence. Many pointed out that man (faintly) has penetrated space, with out the slightest assurance than he will be prepared or experienced to handle all contingencies that might arise. And mankind ever achieved distance and discovered some form of what appeared to be a populated planet it would not take him long before ‘equipped’ or not he just had to land firma terra to check it out.
Some pertinent human military historical moments were detailed where strategy was employed but the slightest overlook of a tiny ridiculously blatant (with hindsight) oversight resulted in defeat for a superior numbered and equipped force. And the converse, - forces which infiltrate laughably unprepared in situational awareness.
Have you ever found a mechanically based device in a junkyard? That looks highly specialized and displays a high degree of tooling and precision. While pondering its functionality you can conceive of no task for which it might have been designed? There is someone who could pick that item up and use it appropriately, however it is currently out of your sphere of experience or capability to put it to any use.

Honestly I’m just shooting the breeze because I really class the movie ‘Signs’ as nothing earthshattering but just sheer entertainment (park disbelief at the door). Yet since I liked it, I can lightly consider matters detailed above towards my enjoyment of the film without caring whether it truly explains the science and rational behind why things work as they do in Nights worlds.

I have noticed that NS seems to have an aversion to the use of weapons of force in all 3 films discussed. In fact the lack of weapons (other than the use of the body and soul) that his protagonists are armed with even though he briefly references other characters use of force - is what is beginning to stand out as a trademark of Nights movies to me. I am beginning to expect less gore/violence/ use of mechanical weaponry when his leads respond to a threat but more a use of something that is intrinsic that internally they come endowed with.

When the argument over the lack of these aliens’ weapons brought to ground or used from the air and the lack of guns at the farm were discussed in another forum. I was surprised by many that posted growing up in rural areas where the patriarch of the family had not a single firearm on the property.

Me however, I’m not the stand in the corner and scream type, I would have been digging out every shovel/pitchfork/butcher knife - AND wiring my 770 straight to door handles.

#20810 - 01/31/03 03:18 PM Re: New Years DVD releases.
gonk Offline

Registered: 03/21/01
Posts: 14054
Loc: Memphis, TN USA
I still haven't seen Signs, so I've been only lightly skimming this thread lately. Some of SLL's comments about "traditional" science fiction aliens reminded me of a science fiction novel by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle: Footfall . Not to give away the way the story unfolds, but it looks at the scenario of a species achieving space travel that isn't really as well-evolved a tool-user and intellectual as the human race, and that species stumbling across Earth. It's the only book I know of that has drawf elephant paratroopers invading Kansas.

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#20811 - 01/31/03 04:00 PM Re: New Years DVD releases.
Smart Little Lena Offline

Registered: 01/09/02
Posts: 1019
Loc: Dallas
I know of that has drawf elephant paratroopers invading Kansas.

You got me...that is now on my must look up list. (besides I really like elephants)

#20812 - 01/31/03 04:19 PM Re: New Years DVD releases.
gonk Offline

Registered: 03/21/01
Posts: 14054
Loc: Memphis, TN USA
You now, it's hard to try to follow a closing remark like wiring a 770 to a door knob (as I wonder if it is a 4 ohm doorknob or an 8 ohm doorknob). Footfall is one of my favorite books by Niven & Pournelle. It's got some good twists along the way. I'd re-read it myself if I had time at the moment, but I've got three books going already and am waiting to get my hands on a copy of a book written by an acquaintance. It's due out tomorrow -- I cooked up some numbers on the hydroelectric power generating capabilities of Niagra Falls a year or two ago for him, don't know how it fits in. Very curious about that one...

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#20813 - 02/01/03 07:04 PM Re: New Years DVD releases.
fmcorps Offline

Registered: 06/06/02
Posts: 197
Loc: Fargo, ND, USA
Lena..(oh oh...why do I sense a Darko-esque discussion being generated by this film). You make valad points, but ponder this.

If the aliens aren't strong enough to break through the door in the cellar, how were they able to get into a house that was boarded up? We see (during the "fight" scene) that the windows are broken, and the wood that was boarded up was snapped off. Now granted there could have been a "crew" of them or something, but if there was a "crew" of them that could snap the boards on the windows...then why the problems with the door? More importantly we are shown that these creatures seem to have some fairly decent mass...since one takes a nick big blow to the side/ribs with a bat and is still standing. If it was a "lighter weigh" alien my guess would be that it's ribs would have snapped like a twig. If it's a heavier massecd alien (akin to human physiology) it would need more strenght in it's legs to support the mass. Either way...the logics still dont hold up given the information that the movie provided.

Yes, I am aware of very minor tactical errors resulting in major military difficulties. I'me reminded of Douglas Adams Hitchhikesrs Guide to the Universe series...where he discribes a species being driven to war against the planet earth due to television waves (i think) wrecking havok with their society. THe do all of the science, build a great intercalatic fleet and speed off to earth, where the entire fleet is devoured by a dog...They had no idea of the size of earthlings, and never gave it any consideration.

Yes, I can understand that, but throughout the film we are told that they have been "scouting the area", and that they "seem to be avoiding the lakes". So appearantly they know that di-hydrogen oxide is lethal to them. They aren't advanced enough to have cling wrap? They can make their ships invisable? why not their clothes?

Yes, some films you have to check your brains at the door. But to me, once you set up the logic behind the film, you need to stick to it. There are only so many "oh come one" moments that I can take before a film goes from "good" to bad. It's just me, but there was just to much to swallow.

#20814 - 02/03/03 12:58 AM Re: New Years DVD releases.
Smart Little Lena Offline

Registered: 01/09/02
Posts: 1019
Loc: Dallas
Jason, sorry was out the weekend and also riveted for a time to the Colombia news. I’m in the area of the leading edge of the onset of incident. I did not hear the bang, I was sleeping, but my sister a little to the northwest of me did…it set her dogs barking. It seems so close to home incepting overhead as it did, although emotions here are nothing compared to what Houston and Florida are going through. This is perhaps an easily misinterpreted statement to make, but I would give much to have been in the Columbia crews rooster even factoring the high cost they paid. I think my deepest desire and greatest regret was I did not think of the possibility that I could have worked towards goaling for that program from HS on. I can’t imagine the experience of looking through a shuttle window at the blue ball and I would risk all for that opportunity. I am happy that they had the sensation upon return that they had preformed their assigned tasks successfully rather than a catastrophic event on the pad. I can only hope they were feeling deep contentment and joy when they did rotate for home.

Maybe that’s why I do cut sci-fi more slack (or really any genre) that’s pulls an emotional response from me while viewing. The bat on the chest is a great example of swiss cheese continuity issues if we are to take other parameters seriously….. why do I sense a Darko-esque you pegged me! I do obsess over something I like I feel this urge to 'share the joy'!

“I've got three books going already and am waiting to get my hands on a copy of a book written by an acquaintance” That’s how I ‘used’ to be when I had more time…(and since I will stay up all night if I’m hooked…not conducive to business the next day…I try to stay away utterly these last couple of years…every so often I binge…let me know if your acquaintances' book is a good read, (my topic of interest range, - pretty much includes anything, if well written). It would be fun to read something to which you would have a faint connection by --2 degrees of separation!

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