Well if I'm suppost to take it at face value then I'll feel free to gripe about it all I want.

To me, it was very well done...untill the end. At that point it was like NMS had just given up.


For example:

The aliens are idiots and cant figure out how to use a door knob?

Even though they must have some exceptional muscles in their legs to outrun a well fit baseball player...and leap to the top of a roof unaided, they cant kick down a door being braced with a pic axe?

You lock yourself in a celler with no weapons? And what farmer in rural america doesn't keep a gun in the house...or at least would run out to wal-mart and get one when he finds this stuff going on in his back yard. Why not a shovel...heck a kitchen knife worked before. Why not grab one or two of those? At least in Night of the Living Dead (which I recognize that the cellar scene wa directly "inspired" by) they had the common sense to pack heat.

The water. Yes, everyone is griping about the water, but it bugs me to no end. War of the Worlds was more plausable...even though that's a bit of a streatch because any advanced military force is normaly given innoculations for at least some of the more "common" diseases in the area. But here we get aliens who cant even wear a shirt and pants when ever farm house has runnning tap water. And the lava comment isn't realy a good argument. The geologists stil[/] wear protective gear. My girlfriend works in a lab and is constantly around radiation and caustic chemicals. She doesn't handle this stuff bare handed...she has more common sense. And these aliens [i]dont? Huh?

Even if the aliens are harvestng people, why do it one on one? Spray large cities and send in a clean up crew. You've got dangerous animals and intelegent animals...you dont sneak up on them...you take them out from a distance and then you pick up the carcases.

Like I said, at face value theres to many of these things to make me feel like this movie was believable. A lot of people have been compairing it to hitch (mostly the birds), but to me the birds was far more plausable. Even though it didn't give any explination on what was going one, it was more believable and plausable then signs. Even though some people complain that there isn't an ending, it was far more satisfying then signs ending. Tha'ts what gets in my craw the most. People are going ga-ga over this and compairing it to a far superior film, and a far more effective movie, and I cant figure out why.

NMS is a very good director, and I dont faul the direction...just the storytelling. However I feel that the general public hasn't taken the time to see competent directors at work...most of the stuff out today is rather weak compaired to films from years ago. I feel that it's his strength of direction in a time of rather weak direction that makes people like him, but that doesn't mean that we have to simply like his films because they are well directed. It pains me to say it but even Hitch dropped some films that are very well crafted, but were still duds none the less.
