Originally posted by Smart Little Lena:
Could I ask what you mean by “someone tell me the twist”? I’m not sure enough of what clarification your requesting to try and reply.

OK...anyone who hasn't seen the Sixth Sense or Unbreakable stop reading. I don't want to hear your griping about how I w3recked the movie watching experiance with those two films.

So. In the Sixth Sense, he's dead. That's the twist. (Which after all the hype-and the fact that I hadn't intill 6 months or so after it was released and had to listen to all the hype for 6 months) was kind of a let down. It was good, I liked it, but when I finally got to the end...I was just like "that's it...this is what blew everybody's mind?"

In Unbreakable, the twist is that my man Sammy Jackson is the bad guy. He's the super-villian to our super hero and is responsable for the deaths of thousands of people...kind of disapointing for me, but you know. I'm kind of a cynic.

Now in Signs I've heard that the "twist" is that they aren't aliens at all, but rather inner demons, and the whole thing is a dream, or a prelude to armageddon...yada yada. The only reason why I'm asking is that this film has so many plot holes to me that they cant be aliens. I've watched it twice now...and still cant find any strings to support the demon/alien theory. About the only theory I can come up with is that "aliens are stupid" theory, and the the meaning of the title Signs is simply the $$$ signs showing up in M.N.S. eyes from duping people into a second rate sci-fi thriller.

Like I said, I'm just trying to "get" the angle, because for some reason I dont.