Man there must be something wrong with me.

I doubt it; we all have different tastes in movies/music and the hardware that delivers it to us.

I think I ‘attached’ fun to Sign’s due to my first viewing experience. The audience was on usually good behavior..…Not one cell phone…crying baby..etc. The seats were packed and as one body the entire theater stayed perfectly quiet or jumped or screamed or laughed (hersy kiss hats) together. I don’t think I’ve been to a movie in years where it worked out that way. So it made me look forward to the DVD purchase. (in fact I just gave my first copy away and have to purchase another).

I did love the throwback to Hitchcockian styling, I really enjoy a ‘fun’ kind of scare, competently executed rather than that depressed jaded sensation which settles over me after watching too many ‘gore feast’ in a row. The ‘ Oh gross” kind: ‘Hannibal” (very fresh meal at the Dining table).
A movie like ‘Signs’ just seems more psychologically healthy. In the same way that ‘Rope” treats the subject of self-perceived superior intellect used as a justification to negate the necessity for adherence to baseline moral standards. Hitchcock treats his killers’ motivation in a more intellectual way (and within the censorship boundaries for the era) and…”Silence of the Lambs” another. Signs were a throwback to the days of more innocent scares.

I loved Joaquin Phoenix’s reaction to the Brazilian BD party footage when he was in the closet. Moments like that made the movie for me.

Could I ask what you mean by “someone tell me the twist”? I’m not sure enough of what clarification your requesting to try and reply.