Whether I am testing a pair of speakers I have just created or are out listening to my competition I suggest you consider using the following practices for best test results.

1) When testing audio or video equipment bring something you have seen or heard many times.

2) For optimal results get into a closed room, listen to normal listening levels, not space shuttle sound tests.

3) Consider the following DVD's:

The Patriot, specifically battle scenes with bullets and cannon balls impacting targets.

Toy Story 2, the opening scene is one of the best audio and video experiences you can have.

U-571, the depth charges in this movie will rock any amplifier and subwoofer.

The Matrix, one of my favorites, this movie has amazing sound and video thrills.

Wedding Singer, not only funny, this movie has a great soundtrack that will perspective to both two channel and 5.1 sound.

Saving Private Ryan, scenes 29 and 30 that depict our US Army Air Force Tank Busters while Tom Hanks is saying his last words, phenomenal!!

Spy Kids, a great test of mids and subwoofers.

Terminator II, this amazing movie has amazing THX and DTS-ES sound.

In my opinion picking a good Compact Disc for a demonstrations is personal. Find your favorite type of music CD and bring it with you.

Aaron Poole
Poole Engineering and Acoustics
Aaron Poole
Poole Engineering and Acoustics