
Rear Window is on right now on Satellite. The other two I have not seen in a long time. I agree there is something to many of the older films/directors, that is far to often missing in modern releases. You left out one of my favorites in this class. Charade.
I believe its just been released in its remade version. I have no intention most likely of seeing the new effort till it hits satellite. Audrey Hepburn and Cary Grant were too perfectly cast. Some things are better left alone.

One of my Fav. Black & White couples is Nick and Nora Charles from the ‘The Thin Man’ series. I saw a quote from one of these at HTF the other day.

Nora: “ I read that you were shot full of holes in the tabloid”
Nick: “They came no where near my tabloids”.

Nick and Nora embody slapstick at its most sophisticated. They had the pizzazz to deliver these kinds of lines. (And Asta was really cute).