I was still amazed by the original cut of the movie. I haven't watched the "new" version of ET yet. (I think I'm becoming an old grump...and cant get over anyone wanting to do a "special edition" to a film that's fine to begin with.)

For a while I was concerned that the original edition would only be in dolby surround...and wouldn't have any updated sound work (that's what the outside of the packaging was leading me to believe). I was very relieved to hear some outstanding sound work went into the restoration. I was also very pleased to see the amount of clarity and ambience that the film itself was able to retain.

So all and all, I'm very pleased with this disk. Maybe when I get out of my grumpy stage I'll give the "new" edition a spin.

Although I'll have to wait untill I've gotten Vertigo out of my system. I just picked it up this week...and wowza. This is a realy great restoration of a realy GREAT piece of cinema.
