I picked it up last night at my local walmart. (I think it was $16.00 after tax).

I saw it in the theaters and thought it was pretty good. But when I watched it again at home...I realized that it was pretty much a remake of the 1989 Batman...only with the spider man mythos, and Sam Rami's camera work.

They set up the movie the same way...Introduce the hero, introduce the dame, introduce the villians origins, bring the hero face to face, and kill the villian in a big duke it out..fight to the death..in a Gothic setting, and leave the hero angst ridden while bringing out the "hero theme" before cutting to credits.

The CGI Spider man also felt realy odd when translated to the small screen. Some of it was distracting...and didn't feel like it matched up at all with the live action actor.

Maybe I'm just getting cynical, but I guess I felt like I saw it before (which I did-in theaters) across numerous other films (which I did in Tim Burtons Batman, and Rami's Evil Dead and Darkman). The thing that I realy never picked up on until I saw it at home was just how much cinamatography Rami borrowed from his Evil Dead Trillogy and Darkman films (he even worked in some stuff he did in his film "The Gift"). I'll have to take notes and give some examples, but for the most part it was like I was sitting there thinking:

Hmmm...Batman's plot outline+Planet of the Ape's Score+Evil Dead II camera work+Darkman Flashbacks+dash of american flag at end=$400,000,000?


I dont know. That's just my first impression off of a single viewing of it in my HT. (Remember I did see it once in the theater as well).

So all and all, it's a good rental. But to me, after repeat viewing a few months after I saw it in the theater, it just didn't seem to hold up as well to a repeat viewing.

Oh well...

I cant wait for Nov. 12 when I can run to wal-mart at midnight and pick up ATOTC.



[This message has been edited by fmcorps (edited November 01, 2002).]