Boboblinds. That reminds me of my sister, 'TCSM' used to be her favorite movie. But she can’t stand fantasy or sci-fi. You can not get her to sit down and watch something like 'LOTR' or 'Alien' she could care less. I can think of several movies along your ‘weirdness’ lines, like Hellraiser with the Cenobites, ever seen that one?
I like my bad guys more to the realistic side generally, like the English actor in Rob Roy, Good actor, - by the end of the movie he truly had me hating his character and ready to see him get his “what fors”.
This would not be particularly scary, but very novel for one outing. I read about an Austin affair, I believe locals put it on …not a forum. Big screen on the river set up to watch 'Jaws” you watch from your inner tubes. Oh and don’t forget that the guys in the suba gear are roaming around underneath. (sounded like fun…I think I’d do that one) Have you ever spelunked? Try a cave with your laptop, go deep enough that’s its deepest black on earth when the illuminations are off. That one would get me…but then I can be claustrophobic.

JT, on your computer???? I liked the cinemaphotography styling of this director, nifty chapters like the first time you see the halls of DD's school. In general for me it was the story, the ambiance and scoring on this flim, I think the computer would squash some of that effect. Your right it is funny, and that was unexpected when I first viewed it, not scary in the blood & gore tradition but menacing in tone.. I like movies that my brain can bite into, and roam the possibilities, Time T/ Tangent U’s/ and subjects on whether or not ‘Fate is the Hunter’ keep me intrigued.