Hello all,
Will be out quite a bit in the foreseeable future, If I try to add one additional project into my life at any given time, (with the heavy, constant effort it takes to catch-up in my business) it blows everything else out of the water. I just came off an obsessive Fall planting binge, going over the yard I have neglected for the past year. Put in 20 flats of pansies, 2 beds of perennials, two new fountains, some flagstone etc. Now I can barley walk, (sitting in front of a computer all day tends to have that effect).

Next – I have been informed by my horse partner that my presence is demanded (at least one a week) riding our 2 yr. old, to allow my rusty ability to keep pace with him while he is still at the novice level of his training in cutting. If I wait till he’s more ‘polished’ and up to the speed he will reach eventually, …at my current riding ability, I will end up hanging in the air, after he just moved out from under me abruptly 4 feet to either side.

Then there’s Christmas around the corner,…ugh… and because my 950/new DVD player/new display, is passingly fun and impressive at it’s ‘bare minimum’ set up …. That still leaves…speakers to hang TV bases to get ordered/built…. Etc. Things we are living with and not getting to… because the new setup is so nice as it sits. In other words I’ve stalled out. Its all Outlaw and Sony’s fault, it sounds/looks so good as is…it makes it hard when we are strapped for time, (and have X projects going at any given time) to get to the finishing the system.

Has anyone seen Donnie Darko???
Weird ominous movie (has been suggested it’s similar to the weirdness in Mullahand Drive, which I have not rented yet).
Not scary in the traditional Halloween sense, but unsettling and riveting and a very good October rental…
I understand its out on DVD, since I just ran into 2/3’s of it on Satellite last night. I will be purchasing this disc…. Due to the ambience of the whole experience and the soundtrack which makes excellent use of some 80’s stuff.

Highly recommended for when your in that Twilight zone mode….. It’s a movie you’ll discuss for hours with whomever you view it. I ran into some press on the cover art and catch phrases on the DVD case, don’t’ let it fool you, it mentions ‘Final Destination’….Dark,Darker,Darko…some very misleading PR in its cover art. This movie is not what the cover implies …it’s in its own class…….

When I run into something this unique and utterly unexpected on an evening,…off satellite…with the addition of the 950 capabilities…doing its best rendition of DPL11, it is a constant gratifying surprise every time!
I never fail to be amazed.