About a year ago I was shopping for a new receiver. I had narrowed my choices down to two very capable receiver, the Outlaw Audio 1050 and the Denon 2801. I had the oppertunity to demo the 2801 and really liked it. It had that nice warm Denon sound that I found missing in the 3801 (which was also in consideration). I was leaning towards the Outlaw, I really liked what I was reading and hearing about the Outlaw... but after demoing 5 channel stereo of the Denon both of the receiver were neck and neck... I was stuck at a stand still. The ONLY reason I went with the Denon istead of the Outlaw was the fact that I thought the Outlaw was a blue/grey color because of the photos that were up on the web page at the time... and anything but black really turned me off. I read at the Home Theater Forum today that yes... it is actually black! And this is confirmed with some new pictures that are floating around your updated web page. Why does the 1050 look blue/grey in your gallery photos!


My Home Theater