
It's economy of scale. The Realta in bulk probably isn't that expensive as a chip goes (and if they had a pre-packaged HDMI 1.3 video/audio input board from a quality third party OEM vendor--as some companies do--without having to pay for R&D on their own it would lessen the costs; I bet Outlaw could work up a deal with Silicon Optix and Silicon Image to do the design for the digital input/output board for them to save on R&D as they have with Crystal semi-conductors, etc.). That's the reason for the HQV chip to lower the cost vs. performance of having basic Teranex pro-grade processing in consumer products.

Outlaw has done a lot with their 990 at the just over $1,000 price point (even giving us 8 channel balanced outputs). Add another $1,000 to $1,500 and they could do a whole lot more I'd imagine.

They could drop a lot of the antiquated analog audio/video connections (except a 5.1 analog input or two and component video) to lower the costs and put the money saved elsewhere. Drop the radio too.
Down with the MPAA!! They are robbing you of your rights in the name of greed!