Originally posted by Jason J:

Is this the type of product you're talking about?

Not even close. That is an analog output for each of those channels. I want a receiver or preamp that has a USB or firewire input where the surround information would be transmitted digitally and uncompressed; the SP/DIF outputs on all PC soundcards can only pass along 2 channel PCM or Dolby Digital or DTS soundtracks. There are some new soundcards on the market that will convert the surround audio into a Dolby Digital or DTS stream for playback on a receiver, but that compresses the audio. I want something that will use a digital signal, with all of the surround information, but uncompressed. HDMI is a solution, but there aren't any HDMI soundcards, and of course, having a 1070, I don't have an HDmI input anyway.