Basically noise. Switching power supplies are very noisy (electrically). Linear supplies are much quieter. In commercial environments the noise is usually not a factor as ambient conditions have a higher noise floor, and the sound source is farther away from the person. In the home the noise floor is usually lower and the speakers closer. So you would hear the noise throught the speakers at home which you would not in a commercial environment.
It also has to do with specmanship. Because they are quieter, use of linear supplies produce better noise specifications for the products they are used in.
This assumes however that both supplies are designed properly. A poorly designed linear will be much worse than a well designed switcher.
There is no free lunch, you get better efficiency with a switcher, at the expense of noise, and in some cases stability.
In the precision analog electronics I design for medical use, linear is still king. Switchers work for digital and places where we can live with the noise.