I've never looked inside an M200/2200 (and no pics are offered on the Outlaw website), but it must be difficult to fit a quality power supply in there and give it adequate cooling without forced air cooling. Maybe someone with a 2200 can pop the top and post some pics? For a traditional solid state amp (and w/tube amps as well), the power supplies begin to take over all the available real estate pretty quickly as power levels increase.

For comparison (and not a good one since this unit is a lot more expensive and slightly taller), the Lyngdorf SDA2175 digital amp will do 200wpc into 8ohms and nearly 400wpc into 4 ohms. At maxiumum rated power, it uses less than 900 watts of input power. A traditional solid state design would probably use twice that amount of power since they are about half as efficient (the difference being thrown off as heat).

The other suggestion, having a stereo amp in "pizza box" form factor that can be bridged is probably not possible with the current form factor (or Outlaw would probably be doing it) without forced cooling at the price points us Outlaw consumers have become accustomed to. 8-)
