I too couldnt be happier. I have a buddy with 10 speakers hooked up to to seperate amps (he like music everywhere including a speaker in the bathroom) and he's always fussing over his sound.

I let him listen to my 1050 using some of his CD's Oystein Savag, Peter Gabriel and soundtrack for Gladiator!

He couldn't believe how much better the sound was. His system is just loud, but my 1050 is so rich and dynamic sounding no tinny treble or maxed out bass. There are tones he heard that you dont here on his system. Suffice to say I love it, and I only payed $499.00. Man this receiver is the best kept secret around for those budget minded folks wanting not just a good receiver for very little cash, but a commercial grade high quality receiver.

Dont know if you folks know, but c-net Already ranks the 1050 an editors choice.
