I personally believe that with the growing number of SACD/DVD-A units being sold these days, more and more people are going to start looking for such a "migration" product. That is, a product that allows you to leverage your current investment in one multi-channel-amp and speaker setup across both audio and HT entertainment.

In fact, just think of the brand loyalty the Outlaws could build prior to the market turning around and people having the discretionary money to upgrade their legacy pre/pro units to one with analog bypass/switching.

The real question: "to process or to pass-through"?

Personally, I would settle for a KISS (keep it simple stupid) product for this. Add volume control and two more inputs to the ICBM and I would buy it tomorrow. Avoid the DD and DTS silicon royalty costs unless you wanted to complicate the product line with two products, one without processing and one with.

Interestingly enough, Sony used to sell a product close to this (TA-P9000ES) but stopped. My guess is they were concerned with having people buy this instead of upgrading their pre/pro with an entirely new model.

Maybe we could get zektor to OEM the ICBM and add the necessary changes. ;-)
