To get away from egos, you have to go to a Harley Davidson get together
Knew you were kidding but there is after all a dB advantage with the Harley Hangouts. They still have the attitude, but when they get busy flicking that wrist back on the throttle the noise drowns all the BS out.

dentist, accountant and lawyer in L.A. gets on their Harley on weekends and turn into badass biker dudes, hanging out at the Rock Store and drinking beer. Makes me want to puke......
it has become the white-collar hangout for wanna be rebels. But they just look so dang cute when they break down and buy the leather (although not very dangerous as in the old days).

I sometimes find it terribly difficult to not boast about how little I paid for a recent purchase.
Very good line, I think we got in trouble around here recently ….being accused of that very thing!

A room full of men discussing a manly hobby (audio/video) is not the place to go if you want to get away from egos. I'm surprised that you were surprised. Figgr'd all them hombres in yer household woulda learned you a thing'r two 'bout the male ego.
As you might have noticed I have a soft spot for men and their conversations. (Lord help me). As they really are entirely too opinionated incorrigible and unpresentable to the rest of the world most of the time.
Unfortunately that comes with the ‘territory’ of being far more interested in planes/trains and cars than soap operas. In fact I’ve never MET a better soap opera - than that created by the particularities of a real live man!

Somehow just thought the booming voices and sandpaper faces would come across buffered on the web, quickly realized, - it's there in all its glory.

Speaking of stereotypes, you guys have not noticed I ramble, speak about non-esential (non-av topics), highjack threads, or take 3 times as long to say what Gonk can explain perfectly in one sentence.

Have you?