
And don't forget, that even if you bypass the coffeemaker at home, go down to that store, pay crazy prices for coffee with silly names, and then sit down with your laptop or PDA to check the e-mail or just ponder the state of the universe, you have to pay extra for the wireless link, even though you already have that at home, too!

But then again, dogs aren't allowed inside, so I only take this on hearsay. Master ties me up outside and goes in for the silly coffee thing. I have to fight with the birds for the crums outside the silly coffee place. Now if I can only convince him to take me there in the car (WHOPPEEE!), rather than walk me over for the coffee. If he spent less on coffee, I'd get a better grade of kibble!

But what do I know, I'm only a dog!

ARF ARF, says Iggy!
But what do I know, I'm ONLY a dog!

ARF, ARF says Iggy