after a nice bike ride i came hoem to listen. pulled out the new vinyl "last waltz" that came in the past week. started playin with the 950 'outter limits' & then started re-calin' it for prop-er settup...which ain't easy with all the sources. but it's become fun. to the chase: i broke my meter several years ago...actually a friend, who'd just returned with me from Ethiopia, we're just unloading a lotta stuff from the taxi service people. i take things in...he decides to see if his blazer will does, i'm inside..he backs over the one case that's's got my SPL meter in it. Oy Vay! 10 years gone and i haven't replaced ears work very good at this...your system has a lotta...buttons to ...i hate the work, 'tweak'. if inflation comes your way...this is what ya do.: figure out your cost to make or include a simple meter...yeh, like the RAD. it's good, it's simple...KISS. next ya gotta find out if ya got enough room in all your products boxes. then, if ya do, how much is the new styro-foam to make it fit? then...oh my, somebody has to figure where to put the new price point. If you had included one in my box...i'd'a paid $999, easily.
' carry on my wayward son, they'll be peace when you are...done.'
p.s., but don't go and inflate the price just cause i said i'm easy.
the 'edit': had to fix 'piece' to 'peace'
yah, exac-Italy, (SH), they keep shuttin' em down all around here. when they were here i would always forget the meter, co. pays for those things...but i gotta be on uh justify (shhh, expense it, he means) the get it...FREE. they never replaced it cause my sew-pier-ee-ur...left the company, and he believed in havin one. so i never put out the money or effort. and so it goes. but that's just what i mean...hey i got a minor in marketing...and ran three business's. i went broke. no, actually the 2nd two did alright...Interior Audio ..Consulatant; and Typographer's Ink, inc. did whole home systems before they were cool. question: how many of you out there have any kind of SPL meter? i'm quilty by default i think. i can build a fairly good meter for .. not to much. i have all the numbers and addresses of the metal punchin places & such...that's what i do half the time; modify any and all broadcast equipment so it may be shipped and set-up and running ...on what ever power or frquency (tokyo is 100v, 50hz (d--n or is it 60), the rest of the story...the country is 120v. and so it goes. france has their own broadcast standards...they sold em to some countries not many people have heard of..Oy Vay! in ru--sia, u need to know some...local and other ...guys make anything work! i need a SPL meter..and there's ne more room to put...anything.
Wish one hadda come in the mail with the 950. hahahoho
u shoulda heard J tull, farm on the freeway, like i did while ago...sounded like my Arrel...i mean ...Odesseus. Guy at the place i went ...had uh wuz sooo pretty! carbon belt drive...jest like mine. just finished recording a VH1, 'Nirvana' inside their teeth or something...will watch later. looked good. i did a play back at the commercial...the S is doing very good. got a panasonic 1000 dv cam as a 'going away' present, friday...still charging all the batteries. gotta take some pics & vids. of my system...before i tear it all down. i guess i'll get the meter in Ashville when i move...i'd just lose it this time. in school (U of southern Miss) the head o mar-ka-ching(!) was a psycolojust, a doktur. he said one should first write down all possibilities for a solution to a question?
explore each one no matter "its 'noise' to the world "(my interpertion, there) eliminate the ones that you 'feel' you should...and'll be answered.
i wish i had a spl meter...wahhhh.
think about it...OUTLAW..put em in the box...raise the price to justify, you'd only be helping a bunch of customer's and you can make a few pennies doing it.
In 1991, our shop and the then, flyaway boys, (now us), tried to pursuade the mothership to purchase the 100K 'comms' package for the the middle east coverage. about 8 channels of phone/data bandwidth...24/7 if we needed it. we needed just a few for saudia, jordan,n baghdad. the accounting deptartment said no. way to much moola for that...8 months later we owed the phone companies...over 5 million dollars. if the market is there it will bear it...if it's not, i wuz wrong. i'll have ta re-cal everything in N.carolina, anyway. and son it goes.
i really like the '7 Stereo' for the LP's. and the NEO's for sat & vcr sound 'just right' rolling the vcr whilst i write.
late, gotta go. astilaway-go-lah ghar-toe
t higg
[This message has been edited by thigg (edited February 24, 2003).]