One thing I would like to see is more upgradeability. Like flash memory and replaceable internal components. I know one of the decisions that the Outlaws must make is how expensive should they make the new pre/pro? If they used an upgradeable chassis they could sell the new pre/pro at a low initial cost and let the end user upgrade as needed.

The inside of the 950 is not too much different than a computer layout, in that there is a main board and other boards that plug into it, the similarities end there. But it is possible to have component cards that could be added latter on or bought all at once. Maybe someone wants XLR's but someone else needs only RCA type connections. They each could order the new pre/pro with the connection types they needed now and have the ability to change out those add-in cards at a latter date when the need arouse.

This would help to future proof the new Pre/Pro. It would also help the Outlaw's in servicing their "Internet Only" customers in that they may only need to warrenty a replacable component and not have to ship the whole unit back and forth.

I know one thing, it would solve a number of requests in this thread, being that you could order what you needed and not have to order those things you had no use for. Don't need Zones, don't order the new Pre/Pro with a Zone extension card, you get the idea.

See the link below of a receiver that has some removable components.
Onkyo back panel
MeanGene\'s Home

MeanGene\'s DVD\'s