its true that thx does not magically make something better. however i would always rather know if something is up to snuff, rather than wonder about it. as far as sound quality and use, etc. you can judge that from using a product. but as far as their honesty goes about accurately rating their specs, the only way is to test. most people do not have means to faithfully test a piece of electronics equipment. i must admit that i am very much into home audio and i would have to go somewhere to test anything other than if i like it. it would be great if someone could figure out exactly how much it costs to license a product under thx. maybe its not so much as you think. and while thx is out to turn a profit, then dont make money by just slapping a label on a product, they actually see if it meets certain criteria. ignorance is bliss, and if you dont know then maybe you would be happier, as for me id rather know everything.
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