Short answer - It's a matter of cost. 1080i is only 31KHz sweep and the old tech (CRTs) can easily do that for a few more cents. When the final plan was drafted 5 years ago the general feeling was we manufacturers can do this bandwidth for only this much more money (10 - 20% more) and get 4X --> 5X more income (it's NEW) for a while to pay for other cost and have a sizable revenue stream until everyone else will catch up. (Maybe there will be some competition.) It was also part of the compromise with the computer guys to have square pixels and what bandwidth was required to accomplich that based on 2X --> 4X the resolution on bigger screens, i.e., what resolution is required for for X distance from the screen with the field of view subtending angle A - and have a wider format, more "movie" like - and still do it relatively cheap with known technology.

[This message has been edited by JDB001 (edited December 23, 2002).]