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#18946 - 12/14/02 06:01 PM Re: Digital amps
Owl's_Warder Offline

Registered: 06/29/01
Posts: 894
Loc: Grants Pass, OR
You mean the one with a compass in the stock and this thing which tells time?

#18947 - 12/15/02 11:43 AM Re: Digital amps
charlie Offline

Registered: 01/14/02
Posts: 1176

Always fun to play devils advocate. Let's take the 1050 for example. In independent tests it has been shown to outperform its specs, plus the method used to generate the specs is much more conservative than some of the competition. Result? Better than expected performance. I agree that 'just listening' can sometimes help us to find unexpected things. Where I and AzRyan seem to part company is that I'm not satisifed to stay there - I what to know what I heard that was different. Only then can it be quantified, and only then can it be determined if it is a difference in improved fidelity or yet another form of 'euphonic distortion' as some call it.

#18948 - 12/15/02 04:15 PM Re: Digital amps
Smart Little Lena Offline

Registered: 01/09/02
Posts: 1019
Loc: Dallas
You mean the one with a compass in the stock and this thing which tells time?

You know the one!. The "you'll shoot your eye out kid" special anniversary edition.

anniversary edition…that reminds me. Gonk, don’t you have your First Aniv. This month? I seem to remember seeing your wedding announcement in Dec of last year (because everyone wanted to know why you had to disappear for a honeymoon and grudgingly admitted that could be worthwhile cause ) I was too shy/new to ‘congratulate’ you then. If it is …my best to you and Mrs Gonk!

#18949 - 12/17/02 07:59 PM Re: Digital amps
azryan Offline

Registered: 09/10/01
Posts: 222
Owl's you said -"Charlie, I usually agree with your technical approach as I tend to think that way myself."

He doesn't have any 'technical approach'. It only looks that way. Not only will he not 'listen' to this or any digital amp, but the 'facts' he just spouted out are just twisted and wrong.

Owl's you added -"However, to play Devil's Advocate, I also agree that sometimes simply hearing (or seeing) something perform you can sometimes find something unexpected."

I certainly don't believe in 'audio magic' where all these amazing things are happening but no one can logically explain why.
Why this amp is stunning it perfectly logical and backed up by real performance 'data' and it's use of patanted state of the art audio processing.

My point for mentioning the magazine review was to show that this amp not only sounds incredible, but it 'measured' stunningly also! I thought this would be what charlie was looking for in his sad little world of 'data'. Instead he responded with the biggest pile of lies I've ever seen in a single post.

He said -
"Maybe it's a breakthrough, but I notice the graph that's most common and would be most telling is omitted."

You are so blind. Did you even read the pro review I pointed out? It had several performance graphs! You must not have even seen it!

Bascically every single thing in your last post is so tremendously screwed up and totally wrong I can't even imagine where you dreamed it all up!?!? You know nothing about this amp.

"Putting it simply, the output filter that all class D audio amps must have will typically cause them to have frequency response problems on difficult loads."

Putting it simply... you're just flat out wrong and have no idea what you're talking about.

This amp is exactly the opposite of what you describe. In addition to you having no idea about what class D amps can and can't do, the ICEpower module works in a totally diff. way than all other class D amps, and the module itself does NOT equal the output result of the amp, and can not be used to 'guess' the actual amp's performance.
The test results of the actual amp in the review I mentioned CAN.

Read the review or shut up, because you are just a flat out lying Troll now.

The amp can play 230/380/550W (8/4/2 Ohms) w/ less than .1% THD+N. Dead flat freq. response well beyond an audible range. .009% THD+N @ 100W.

You're high if you act like this is anything but stellar performance, or anything like the typical '100-125W linear amp' you equated this amp to!

The reviewers even hit it w/ a .6 Ohm load!
Only a moron or Troll could say this amp can't play difficult loads. You can use it w/ ANY speaker on the market.

"Now a ribbon setup like yours might be an ideal situation for a amp like this, but I find it humorous that, after pointing out for years how badly 'cheap' amps perform on difficult loads the new hi-end darling apparently exhibits the same Achilles heel."

Totally moronic. It does no such thing! My speakers dips down to ~3.5 ohms. This Amp never has any problems at all. You're just an idiot.

Here's another very nice clip of total stupidity from you-

"Also an amp like this will put out about the same amount of musical power as a good 125 watt linear amp. This is because, by design, a class D amp has basically zero dynamic headroom. In theory it's no matter, since a class D amp can be so efficient and small, but the eAR is not really a super powered amp, particularly when the lack of headroom is factored in. It's not unusual for a 100-125 watt linear amp to have a dynamic output somewhere near 175 watts."

The eARTwo is 250W x 2 @ 8 Ohms... ~380W x 2 @ 4 Ohms moron! And can do this 'constantly' (as in NOT peak) and generating next to no heat. - in addition to it being faster and more accurate than any solid state or tube design.
Peak output current -~82Amps! 68V=5,500 Watt impulse!

"With the Newform R645s the eAR should clip somewhere around 113 db instantaneous peaks at 1 meter, or plenty loud but not outstanding."

The eARTwo would blow up my Newforms before it ever clipped. Your math is a joke. I'm sure you don't have any idea about my speakers either. And this from a fool w/ main speaker ~16 feet apart plus they're in-walls!? Get outta dodge.
You amaze me at how much you like to talk crap about things that you know nothing about. You've become a Troll, and I'm really sick of you.

Here's some comments from the article. I figured people could just go read it themselves, but some people here seem to have not read it and might believe charlie's lies...

"-the amplifier has superior treble which is both extremely easy flowing and yet super dynamic at the same time. With the eARTwo, the distortion is so low that we can only warn you: Watch your ears, because with this amplifier you might easily play loud -too loud!"
This is explained in more detail in the review.


"We have tested the amplifier with a number of loudspeakers, and the amplifier is not particulalrly influenced by the loudspeaker it is connected to. This is rather diff. from other switch mode class D amplifiers where the amplifiers have always played differently with a number of diff. loudspeakers. The eARTwo seems to be quite consistent in it's way of playing."

Anyone who reads this independant pro review will understand just how utterly wrong charlie really is. Too bad charlie didn't bother to read it.
The reviewers call it the best amp they've ever heard. They replaced $30K Mark Levinson monoblocks for this amp.

#18950 - 12/17/02 08:09 PM Re: Digital amps
m-mmeyer Offline

Registered: 11/27/01
Posts: 251
Loc: Chanhassen, MN, USA
Um......that was a little strong Azryan. I tend to read these threads that you post and don't reply because I don't feel capable to respond. But this time I feel you went over the edge in what should be a "Friendly" exchange of ideas or even an argument. Right or wrong the last post was to far!

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From the mouth of Keanu Reeves one the great pundits of our time! smile

#18951 - 12/18/02 10:36 AM Re: Digital amps
steves Offline

Registered: 06/18/01
Posts: 356
Loc: Oregon
I agree with m-mmeyer, az-- you're way over the top on with this reply. I think you've made some legit points, but you didn't really need to add the flames. I have never seen charlie respond in a like manner, and doubt he would, even if attacked (like here). I don't always agree with what charlie posts either. When that happens I just choose to ignore what he said by not responding and looking at it for what it is-- his opinion--- or reply in a civil manner with---my opinions---. Facts and real statistics are optional . And that's what this forum is all about right? I think you are better than this, so suck it up,azryan, and do the right thing. I think charlie occasionally may have been pulling your chain a little bit, but he certainly isn't a troll and does not deserve to be attacked. I believe your post would probably get you dismissed from most boards, so you might want to edit it for content. I'm often at odds with what you say az, but I do enjoy reading your posts. I would hate to see you have to move on. Best wishes...

#18952 - 12/18/02 01:47 PM Re: Digital amps
azryan Offline

Registered: 09/10/01
Posts: 222
m-mmyer and steves,

It seems like you both are saying to read these posts of mine. I assume to find out interesting or helpful info that I might mention. That's why I write them.

The info I post I feel is being distorted and ruined by charlie's misguided 'facts' moronic asumptions and outright lies.

It's certainly true in that what I said/say is strong. I stand behind it though, and back up everything I've ever said with detailed facts to counter him. I've just had enough. I'm sick of him. I think he's become a Troll, and this thread proves it. Ask him what he's had to do w/ digital amps besides post in this thread? Nothing at all.

I'd like Outlaw to build a digital amp based on the ICEpower module. Charlie's lies about the ICEpower based amp I own I believe are doing nothing but confusing other Outlaw fans who would otherwise love for Outlaw to build an amp that performs like my eARTwo amp.

That's a forum Troll, and I'm not afraid to call it like I see it. No doubt Charlie will post again and twist my comments, and no doubt people will feel I've gone too far.

I can't control that, and I accept whatever happens.

If Outlaw doesn't want me here because of my comments... I guess we'll see. I would never have saifd what I did if Outlaw would have stopped charlie from lying, but Outlaw's certainly too busy to do that.

I think it would be to the loss of you guys like steves and m-mmyer who want to learn new things to have me booted off yet allow someone like charlie to keep posting his outright wrong 'facts'.
Remember I'm not talking about his opinions, only the things he states as facts.

Charlie's been posting since last August in this thread as still has NO idea what he's talking about in relation to this amp, or the module it uses, or digital amps in general.

His last post (as I already said) was almost one complete pack of lies, which is the only reason I quit being civil and got angry at a flat out liar.

I'm sick of it. I think others should be too, but feel free to think whatever you want.

Maybe you don't understand that he is lying and you feel it's more of a 'my opinion/his opinion' type thing therefor I've gone too far?

This is not the case and I've clearly stated why in previous posts.

Search this and other threads. Several others have also corrected charlies outright mistruths. They eventually give up trying to get through to him and leave.
Too bad this forums lost those people. Maybe I'm next. Not my choice though.

I like Outlaw as a company and I think there's people here who a decent and would like to hear some of the info I post about advanced audio and video topics.

I think you shouldn't care how nice and civil Charlie acts when he posts lies.

Did anyone who thinks I'm too strong in my statements actually look into the false information he spouts? Or do you not care when someone lies here as long as they smile when they do it?

#18953 - 12/18/02 05:10 PM Re: Digital amps
m-mmeyer Offline

Registered: 11/27/01
Posts: 251
Loc: Chanhassen, MN, USA
No matter who is right and who is wrong, who is telling the truth and who is lying there needs to be a certain level of decorum here and if that level drops down too low then the "discussion" should end there and either start anew or decline to get into such discussions. For if it is allowed once then it may be allowed to run rampant, to all of our detriment.

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My DVD's
"Pain heals, Chicks dig scars and glory is forever"
From the mouth of Keanu Reeves one the great pundits of our time! smile

#18954 - 12/18/02 05:21 PM Re: Digital amps
SpOoNmAn Offline

Registered: 04/06/02
Posts: 264
Loc: Independence, Ohio, USA!!
I have read this thread extensively, and I dont think its too late for everyone to makeup. I moderate at other forums and would have either asked you 2 to watch further replies, or closed it all together. Which is ashame, because I feel theres a lot to be learned.

I clicked on it not because I have one,or claim to know anything about digital amps, but because any newer technology excites me.

Too bad it got out of hand but thats what happens when 2 or more people dont see eye to eye. I won't comment on who I think is right or wrong in this situation, it is not my place to do so. But I will say this...

I have a digital amp..the one found in my DefTech SuperCube 1..it's a 1500 watt,Digitally-Coupled Class D Amplifier...does that count?!?! LOL

Play it LoUd!!
Play it LoUd!!


#18955 - 12/19/02 10:49 AM Re: Digital amps
Matthew Hill Offline

Registered: 11/29/01
Posts: 1434
Loc: Mount Laurel, NJ
If Charlie is a troll, then he's VERY good at it, because he certainly managed to provoke you without coming off like a troll himself. Re-reading his posts, I don't see anything in there that seems troll-like. As to the truth of what he says? Well, I'm not in the know about these things so I can't judge that. But in my mind, you've allowed him to push you across that imaginary line of civility, and in doing so, you've handed the argument to him.

Matthew J. Hill
Matthew J. Hill

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