Well, I went ahead and ordered a 1050... it arrived yesterday. But I have to say that my initial impressions are mixed. Overall, it sounds a bit better I think than the Marantz SR5200. But it still doesn't sound as good for two-channel music reproduction as my old Philips receiver.

I discovered, however, that if I plug a stereo analog source into the 1050's "direct" inputs, the sound improves rather dramatically.

This is the fourth A/V receiver I have audtioned now, and none of them have impressed me much for simple two-channel stereo use (which is how I will be listening probably 90% of the time). Based on my observations using the 1050's direct inputs, I'm beginning to think that it is the digital circuitry in A/V receivers that I am objecting to.

Any further thoughts on this? Does anybody know of an A/V receiver in this price range that lets a user bypass all the digital stuff when listening to plain-jane analog stereo sources? I realize I can use the 1050's direct inputs to do this, but there's only one set of inputs (I need three... only my DVD player has digital out) and also I lose the subwoofer output.
