After weeks of deliberation, i finally bought a 1050. It certainly wasn't easy considering i live in Canada and must live with additional shipping/duties not to mention the brutal exchange rate.

Here are my quick thoughts on some of the other models I considered;

Denon 2802 - way too expen$ive ($900 retail here)

Marantz 6200 - slightly cheaper after factoring in additional 1050 costs, decent sound but limited bass management, also newer and looking to establish a solid reputation (there seem to have been problems in earlier versions)

Onkyo SR600 - comparable in features and pricing so it sounds compelling but isn't widely available yet (in Canada), brand new so jury is still out

In the end i chose the Outlaw simply because I believed in the product and the people behind it. A large part of that is due to the posts I've read in this forum and all the external reviews. Just wanted to say thanks to everyone for sharing your thoughts and experiences.

I plan to match the 1050 with some Paradigms (Monitor 7s, CC370, PDR10). If anyone has any Paradigm stories, good or bad, I'd like to hear them!