I hate Comcast. Besides the fact that they raised prices 3 times in 9 months after they bought my old cable company, they constantly "redefine" my channel line up and drop HD channels on me. Yes I've picked up a few along the way too...but never ever not even once did they warn me. Oh yeah..their Motorola HD DVR box SUCKS! Consitent lock ups during channel changing (I'm a surfer). I call it brain lock.
I used to be a DirecTV customer pre-HD era...no complaints. Customer Service is certainly better with the Satelite companies. And you don't have to wait weeks to get an installer out. They actually want your business.
If Comcast had not cut my monthly bill in HALF when I called to cancel service they would be gone. As it is I am paying $68/mo. for Full Digital HD service with DVR (no premium movie channels) AND Cable Modem. The second this deal stops so do I!!!