Hey Guys, since I still own a 950 and have no experience with HDMI....my brother bought a 1709 Denon and the HDMI does not transfer the audio signal from a source to the receiver but instead
sends it straight to the monitor out. He is having to use a digital audio cable to get sound into the amp section of the receiver. Is that true of all HDMI?
Outlaw 7100/976 Combo
Panamax 5100
Samsung Bluray
Klipschorn front R
Klipsch Belle front left
Kilpsch Cornwall II's rear
Klipsch RS-3 Surrounds
Outlaw LFM-1
64" Samsung Plasma 8500
Amazon off air receiver
MX 850 Remote
Zappiti NAS RIP
Zappiti pro 4K HDR