Originally posted by lanion:
That is really surprising. These online companies live or die based mainly on having strong customer support. Very unfortunate -- you might try explaining your situation to Pete or Dr. Hsu. Warranties should be honored!
Thanks for the replys guys! Yeah, that was my exact point! I even said to him, "you are going to risk the Hsu name and brand to save $85, lose a customer, and lose all the other customers I tell this story to?" And he still did not waver from his position.

Believe it or not, Pete is who I was speaking with. The odd thing is, today, when I called the first time to complain after being tremendously disappointed opening that package, he was all on my side. Less than 1 hour later, when he called back while I was just about ready to send him the pictures, he must have talked to someone, and all of a sudden it is my problem and I only deserve the crap I received. I am really bummed about this. It just bothers me. It is not even the money! I can easily afford another woofer, it is the principal and the fact that a company I believed in and talked highly about with others could do this. I honestly feel kind of betrayed. Again, I will post pics when more time and keep you updated how this pans out.