psyprof1, are the MMGs, in your opinion, presenting a tiny sweet spot like some reviewers complain? Some of them say that if you move your head by mere inches the sweet spot is gone. Same if you just listen while standing. Are the MMGs candidates for the "head-in-a-wise" syndrome? I'm not the type to sit pinned in a chair and listen no matter how rewarding the sound and/or soundstage.
Some reviewers, on the other hand, report listening with the family, which is indicative of a wider sweet spot, or a situation when outside the bull's eye the sound is still beautiful, albeit slightly worse.
What's you experience from this standpoint?

I'll order a pair in the second half of the month, when I return from vacation, but I'd like, with your permission, of course, to find out as much as possible, in advance, from a trusty MMG owner.

Thank you,