Just to add a different opinion, I joined the Blockbuster program. I get 3 movies at a time for about $15/month. But in addition, I can go to any of the stores and return a "mail-in movie" for an "in store" movie 5 times a month. I really do like that feature quite a bit. So far they have had a very good selection of Blu discs. I can't speak to the HD-DVD selection as I don't have a player for it. The other thing I really like about the Blockbuster program is if I return a movie in the store during the day(i.e. not late at night) I get the replacement movie the next day in the mail. If I mail it in on Monday, I get one back on Wednesday. My quick turn around might be that I live in a city that the distribution center is in, but for me that is a plus!
Emotiva XMC-1, Outlaw 7500, Sonus Faber Olympica III Fronts, SF Liuto Center, SF Surrounds, LFM-1 EX, Oppo BDP-103D, Apple TV (Gen. 4), Mitsubishi 65" Diamond DLP, Outlaw Cables, PS Audio Power Quintet, Duet and power cords.