Originally posted by ric:
modified is a scary price to pay + original price for a unit, wether it be Oppo, or the Denon? lot to invest. I hooked up my neighbors Toshiba hd-a3 high def player and, wow! he purchased the player for 159.00. that being said,now im really in a quandry!lol

Haven't seen the Toshiba but it uses video scaling by Anchor Bay Technologies. The same company that supplies the Marantz DV9600, Denon 5910 and the Esoteric DV60 universal players, all reference-quality players. You probably need to ask yourself which is more important, video performance or a player than can handle SACDs and DVD-As discs. Based on your posts, seems like video performance is primary. So I would save myself some money and go with either the Oppo or Toshiba. Both will perform equally as well as the Denon for video. And based on my experiences of owning an Oppo 970, demoing the 980 and currently own the Marantz DV9600, the Oppos tend to present video with a slight grain or edginess to them while the Anchor Bay Technologies chip is more smooth and film-like at least on my DLP monitor. Hope this helps with your decision-making.
