If going by the Benchmark scores are an indication, both players depending on your TV, should have similar video properties. The previous model Oppo Digital, the 970 scored an 86 while the current Denon 3930 scored a 91. The Oppo 980 is an updated replacement to the 970 and the Denon 3930 is a higher model than the 2930. Having heard both the Oppo 980 and the Denon 2930, but in different systems, I can say that the Oppo probably will satify most people except for the true audiophile. The Denon presents more depth and a lower noise floor than the Oppo, especially with SACD/DVD-A discs. Another thing to consider is reliability. Speaking with local dealers and modifiers of DVD players, they all agree that the Oppo is the more reliable of the two. So if you are on a tight budget and video is your priority, I would go with the Oppo. If audio is more your priority, then go with the Denon.
