I hear you Gonk.
I just love the fact that some management team/group went to engineering. Said, "you have a great idea we are going to throw it out on the market .... see ya."
Engineering is left staring at the computer screen of the Rev1 chip design that has not even made it to manufacturing.

An hour later, the Management team sold it to upper management as 'the next big thing' - first to market...."Yes", as the upper Management is thinking of $$$'s - so the bean counters get excited.........

And the rest is history ...... or the mess we are slopping around in.....

Outlaw 990/7125, Oppo, Xbox 360, Paradigm (L/R/C), Polk (S), M&K Sub w/ SMS-1, Samsung LED-DLP HDTV, Signal Cable, Brickwall