Yeah. The more I've read over the last couple of days the more that I am leaning towards separates. After I bought the Onkyo I decided that but lately a buddy has been trying to push me towards receivers again. Ultimately though separates provide so much more flexibility and I think that I'll end up with a better system long run. I can buy the amp now and hold off on the pre/pro for a bit. I'm kind of curious what Outlaw will come out with to succeed the 990. HDMI 1.3? A modular (card) design?

Anyway, now my main hang up is getting a better understanding on some of the "hum" problem that is being talked about in the 7500/7700 forum. My current system is dead quite and it would really annoy me to end up with a hum no matter how low. Hopefully it all gets worked out though since I think that Outlaw is the direction that I am going to go.
A lack of planning on your part does not constitute and emergency on my part...