My Dad found Outlaw and picked up the 1050 back in the day. My little brother followed w/ the 1070. My self - the 990/7125 combo. I was looking into the 4800 series from Denon.
But, I have all ways wanted separates. So I was looking into Rotel and a few others. I really, really liked the look of the Rotels. But, the overall sound did not sit right with me. Then I cruised thru the Outlaw web site. I talked to my Brother and Dad, read reviews……..
I saw the Combo pricing and pull the trigger.
I’m a happy customer.
The stuff is good and at a really good value.
Are there flaws? ..... Some - but they have been handled (updates) or replacement units have been sent out.
I performed the update myself on the 990 (very cool).

In saloon, there is a thread for systems. I find it very interesting all of the different combinations: speakers, electronics, subs, cables etc. There is plenty of Outlaw equipment smattered in and around. To me, that is a testament to the neutrality and quality of the Outlaw sound.

At the end of the day, are you going to be a little down because you did not pursue the NAD combo? Do what you got to do……

The cool aspect about home theater/2-channel is every system is really good for the person who builds it.

Is the Outlaw gear for real? ….. Yep.

Outlaw 990/7125, Oppo, Xbox 360, Paradigm (L/R/C), Polk (S), M&K Sub w/ SMS-1, Samsung LED-DLP HDTV, Signal Cable, Brickwall