I can fully agree on the merits of multi Channel High Rez recordings on the 990. I've owned 3 different recievers who supported that format. None comes close to the 990.
Mark Knofners Shangra la( DVD-A) was always a favorite but lacked in over all sound qualities. the 990 puts it right there with the best recornings now.Trully an amazing feat.What I'm now finding out is, those less than great SACD's/ DVD-A when played on my previous units, sound rejuvinated on the 990.
I'll agree that on Multi Channel Hi Rez the 990's a 10. I do feel though that even so the DVD-V playback is different than my other recievers, I'm still just getting used to it.It sound different, better use of the surround channels for sure. Once I keep tweaking all the different set ups for Digital D and DTS I hope I can get the same performence for those playbacks as I do for 7.1.Hopefuly it's just a matter of time.