New Oppo DVD player - Model # DV-981HD

adds to 971H - SACD playback, 1080p upscaling (Faroudja), HDMI 1.1, better analog audio components

availability - sometime in 4Q, 2006

combines the best of both - audio q of the 970 and the video q of the 971.

Source: Oppo support email and advertisement in the Nov 2006 issue of Sound&Vision Magazine
BSMNT HT - Oppo DV-970HD,Tos HD-A2,Emo LMC-1/Onkyo TX-SR705, Outlaw 7125,PSB Image 4T 8C 10S, Outlaw LFM-1+,Panny PT-AE900U, DIY 106" fixed screen

LIVRM 2ch - Philips 963SA,Lexicon DC-1,Carver AV-505,Von Schweikert VR-2,Sony KDF-E42A10