My TV is a Panasonic Plasma 37". I has no HDMI or DVI hook ups. My reciever is a HK 635,which I plan on replacing with the 990 some day.It's alittle quirky at times,but nothing major.
My malfunctioning DVD player is a Cambridge Audio 540D. When I get those "pops" I was using Digital feed through a RCA connector.
I also own a CA 640C cd player and like it alot, thats what convinced me to buy the 540d.
Let me just say also that I purchased it through Audio Advisor. When I told them of the problem on the 1st 540D the promptly replaced it with another, being that it feel into the 30 day trial period. Now it's well past 30 days so I'm dealing with Dist.
HDMI or DVI is not that important right now, but somedayt I may upgrade my TV. Blue ray and HD DVD I'll wait on till things swing one way or another. Hell by then there could be another next greatest thing.