Thanks for your suggestions. So after doing a lot of research for a good indoor FM antenna with some confusion, I decided to go to a local Radio Shack and take a chance with a with a standard TV/FM antenna. I had tried all the Terk models previously and none worked. So I bought the $20 model from RS that came with rabbit ears, a triangular UHF antenna and an adjustable attenuator. I placed the antenna behind and on the same shelf of my projection TV so it wouldn't be visible from my seating position, extended the rabbit ears out fully and straight up.

Well, low and behold, this model actually works. I received all my programmed stations on my 950 without any static or lose of signal. I didn't need to adjust the rabbit ears or the attenuator either.

It goes to show you that we sometimes look too deeply into buying equipment to make our systems better and find out the simpliest and basic items work fine.
