Hi Puppethead

Gonk seems to consistently provide outstanding replies and there is nothing in his latest that I can argue with.

However, let me add my own experience.

I have been fortunate enough to be able to build two outstanding systems.

The first is based on 2 channel audio from the British brand Naim. I consider them to be very high end with my preamp costing $10,000 for example and each of the four mono amps setting me back over $3000. The Cd player alone was $5000.

The second system is a home theater built around a JVC SX21 (1400x1050 rez DILA) projector combined with anamorphic lenses projecting onto a 10 foot screen.

The recent additions are the Outlaw 990 and 7700. I'd not heard much about Outlaw and was somewhat sceptical. However, repeated rave reviews combined with the 30 day trial and the great prices made me take the plunge.

My 7700 arrived with a horrible scratch on the faceplate and the Outlaws were amazingly proactive in sending me a replacement and not even asking me to send back the original until the replacement was at my house! I'm actually glad that happened because I got to know a guy called Steve at Outlaw. he's quite wonderful!

The combo is excpetional. It's not quite up to the Naim $40k system, but nor should it be. The amp drives 9 full range British Kefs, B&W speakers and REL sub basss units with ease. Their is detail, drive and power to spare and I'm delighted.

My point is that I have well tuned ears. I am not upgrading from some $500 Denon receiver and gaga over anything.

My conclusion is that here we have a brand that makes no nonsense great products at very low prices. their bsuiness model is to cut out the middleman and gain competitive davantage from their distribution channel and the word of mouth from their user community. I am impressed by their willingness to host this forum with no edits. They don't need to edit as we users all seem to become fans very quckly.

You have $3k. I know all the other brands you mention very well and there is nothing wrong with any of their equipment. My experience after a few weeks is that the Outlaw gear blows them away on the value equation.

I'd go seperates for all the reasons Gonk mentioned. Hell, anyone who has a CD player going through multiple expternal power suppplies, a processor, it's power supply, a croosover unit with it's power supply, then going to 4 huge mono block amps...

So what should you do? I'm very intrigued by the Outlaw 2200. I think you'll be well happy with a 990 and 2 x2200's. if yo8u decide to go the home theater route you can then add 2200's at your leisure.

The 7700 is an awesome 7 channel amp. I have no idea about it's performance versus 7 x 2200's.

Bottom line - don't take my word for it. Trust your own ears and get some gear. You can always return it.

Good luck
Sony Pearl projector
120" 16x9 DaLite Hi Power screen
Outlaw 990 (gone) & 7700
3 Naim 135 amps
Sony Blu Ray
Mac Pro
Sony PS3
3 B&W full range spkrs
4 Kef full range spkrs
2 REL Stentor sub bass units :-)