Thanks, Gonk. I've been working with computers and playing with A/V for a very long time, and thought maybe it was just me that did not undertstand. Having bought an HDTV just before DVI and HDMI started appearing, it is pretty frustrating to think about it becoming obsolete. And, rdperry, I too wonder about corporate understanding of the mass consumer electronics marketplace. They released DVD-A and SACD thinking there was a great demand to improve upon CDs, but the marketplace spends untold millions on devices (iPods) and lossy compressed downloads that cost almost as much per song as an original CD for a fraction of the bits. Now they are worried about copy protection of 1080-line resolution HD video when people are downloading 200-line resolution versions of last week's sitcoms at $1.99 a show so they can watch them on their video iPods on the train going to work.

You would think they would learn that those that want to copy illegally will figure out how to break the system and do it. Most of us don't have the time or inclination and will pay a reasonable price for the convenience of a well thought-out legal product.